Data Tables

Data Tables

The Open Budget Survey (OBS) 2023 Data Tables provide a detailed examination of the budget public participation oversight and transparency mechanisms across various countries. This dataset includes:

  • Public Participation Scores: Evaluates the opportunities provided for the public to engage in the budget process, covering the period from 2017 to 2023.
  • Legislative Oversight Scores: Assesses the role and effectiveness of legislative bodies in overseeing the budget process from 2017 to 2023.
  • Audit Oversight Scores: Measures the effectiveness of supreme audit institutions in ensuring accountability and transparency from 2017 to 2023.
  • Transparency Scores (Open Budget Index): Tracks changes in budget transparency from 2006 to 2023 across multiple countries, showing how accessible and detailed the budget documents are over time.
  • Public Availability of Budget Documents: Provides insights into which key budget documents are made publicly available, the timeliness of their publication, and whether they are intended for public use or internal use only.
  • Public Participation Mechanisms: Examines the existence and functionality of mechanisms across different stages of the budget process, including formulation, approval, implementation, and audit review.

This comprehensive dataset serves as a crucial tool for understanding the state of budget transparency and accountability worldwide, highlighting areas of progress and those needing improvement.

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